I am slowly slipping behind with my Super Collider. I'm understanding what is being presented to us, but I am not reaching the point were I am applying it to a standard I am happy with. I am just going to push myself in the break and hopefully catch up.
rtf fileexample 1example 2example 3example 4example 5
// Example 1
// Carrier
a = Saw.ar(MouseY.kr(40, 10000, 1), 0.25);
// Modifier Parameter
b = MouseX.kr(40, 10000);
c = Resonz.ar(
in: a,
freq: b,
rq: 0.5
// Example 2
// Carrier
a = Saw.ar(MouseY.kr(40, 10000, 1), 0.25);
// Modifier Parameter
b = MouseX.kr(40, 10000);
c = Resonz.ar(
in: a,
freq: b,
rq: 0.5
d = DelayN.ar(
in: c,
maxdelaytime: 0.2,
delaytime: 0.2
// Example 3
// Carrier
a = Saw.ar(120, 0.25);
// Modifier Parameter
b = MouseX.kr(40, 10000);
c = MouseY.kr(0, 0.9);
d = XLine.kr(start: 8000, end: 400, dur: 5.0);
e = Resonz.ar(
in: a,
freq: b,
rq: 0.5
f = DelayC.ar(
in: e,
maxdelaytime: 0.9,
delaytime: c
g = RLPF.ar(
in: f,
freq: d,
rq: 0.05
// Example 4
// Carrier
a = Saw.ar(120, 0.25);
// Modifier Parameter
b = MouseX.kr(40, 10000);
c = MouseY.kr(0, 0.9);
d = XLine.kr(start: 8000, end: 400, dur: 5.0);
e = Resonz.ar(
in: a,
freq: b,
rq: 0.5
f = DelayC.ar(
in: e,
maxdelaytime: 0.9,
delaytime: c
g = RLPF.ar(
in: f,
freq: d,
rq: 0.05
h = FSinOsc.kr(freq: 2);
i = Pan2.ar(
in: g,
pos: h,
level: 0.25);
Example 5
var car, env, mod1, mod2, pan, num = 15, dur = 5;
//Multiple UGs
num, {
car = Saw.ar(freq: 100, mul: 0.50/num);
env = MouseY.kr(8000, 40, 1);
//Modifier (Fiter
mod1 = RHPF.ar(
in: car,
freq: env,
rq: 0.05
// Modifier (Delay)
mod2 = CombN.ar(
in: mod1,
maxdelaytime: 0.4,
delaytime: 0.4,
decaytime: 1