Eclectic I

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


It is evident that some 1st years took little creative interest in their projects, but the ones that took some interest stood out. I really enjoyed Mile's piece. He created some complex and interesting textures whilst also incorporating the use of rhythm in elements to add some accessibility. Stephens piece had some cool use of texture and panning with some asymmetric rhythms which fell in and out of sync, which were obviously quite accidental but cool.

The Animated film, the game project piece and The two Audio arts projects were also enjoyable and I am glad that they presented works which they were actually interested in rather than what they felt obliged to do. The game and animation pieces clearly showed once more the level of compromise and frustration people encounter when trying to get started in this field.


Whittington, Stephen. “Forum – Week 3 – Semester 2, 2008: 1st Year Presentations.” Workshop presented at EMU space, Level 5 Schultz building, University of Adelaide, 14th of August 2008.


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