Eclectic I

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

MTF3B wk7

Second and Third Year presentations

Sanad graced us with a pulsing dance track. It had a good drive and mix and it made me want to grab my fire poi and have a spin. Sanad was very critical towards the piece, but I have heard him create other works which are far better (no discredit to this piece) but I think Sanad is just aware of his capabilities and thus knew he could do better.

Edward had a max patch based on creating interesting visuals which control the sound. It was evident that the visuals were of greater importance than the sound, although I appreciate the link he has created between the two.

John has created some really cool industrial ambiance using Super Collider. I think it's a great demonstration of the sonic possibilities of synthesis Super Collider.

Matt had some interesting sounds but it I think John was a hard act to follow.

Freddie added some humour to the presentations with the visual feedback to the tempo.

And to finish up the use of probability to determine evolving chord progressions. It could be really cool if used with the right sound base. It could also be extended to create melodies and chord inversions etc but time constraints prevented him from doing so. It makes me lament to Ben's max patch last year which did exactly this, but stopped working at the last minute and thus he failed. It was a really cool improvisation generator.


Whittington, Stephen. “Forum – Week 7 – Semester 2, 2008: 2nd and 3rd year presentations.” Workshop presented at EMU space, level 5, Schultz building, University of Adelaide, 4th of September, 2008.


Blogger David J Dowling said...

"it made me want to grab my fire poi and have a spin"


7:28 AM  
Blogger Luke.Digance - Eclectic I said...

and your point is??

3:33 AM  

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