Eclectic I

Thursday, November 15, 2007

AA Major Semester 2 year 2

This was a really cool project. I might do some further work on this over my break for fun. I replaced most of the sound effects in this game with my own. I also created a music and ambiance track, but were unable to implement them in either the windows or mac mod.

pre production pdf

Process pdf

Assets pdf


ambiance weather

Creative Computing

I am the most proud of my program than all the work I have done since I started uni. It sucks that the load sample folder function went wrong when turned into an application, but I still think that its a really cool virtual sampler and its user-interface rocks and is very user friendly. The song I created is cool, but could be slightly more percussive. I'm looking forward to extending this program for use in a fringe show entitled "ILLUstratingaSTORY" in which there will be a 6 speaker set up with the ambiance moving around the room dependent on where people are in the room.

Anyways here is a pic, the documentation and the app. and a piece of ambient music I created with the app.

project plan pdf

Research pdf

analysis pdf

Score1 pdf

score2 pdf


Music EclecticEye